Memberships include a subscription portion of up to two free tickets per performance and a donation portion that is tax-deductible.* Members are also eligible to purchase additional tickets for 50% off and are invited to the yearly membership get-together in New York City.
* Oratorio memberships include a subscription for general admission tickets and are $85 tax deductible. Patron memberships include a subscription for premium admission tickets and are $225 tax deductible. The Academy will notify members if a performance does not qualify for free tickets or if these terms change.
Instead of using our online service, you may print this form, make a check out to “Academy of Sacred Drama”, and mail both to P.O. Box 95, Croton Falls, NY 10519.
We are grateful to all our members. Our list of members will always be updated by our next event, and we make every effort to update new members when possible on a rolling basis. If you believe your name has been left off of our list in error, please let us know so we can credit you.
Rev. Michael Carnevale
Layla Diba
Norbert Gasser
Lawrence Holodak
Arthur Makar
Jon Pinkos
D. Stephen Mathias
Robert Mealy
Frederick Negem
Katherine Parry
Jeremy Rhizor
Michael Rigsby
Faanya Rose
Kevin Salinger
Stephen Simcock
Andrew Achsen
Louise Basbas
Elise Boeger
David Boran
Susan Leslie Boynton
Kerri Bradin
Tania Chebli
Kyle Garcia-Dugan
Zach Garcia-Dugan
Margaret Carlin Good
Wee Tai Hom
Kathy Zirnhelt
Kathy Irwin
Robert Kenet
Arthur Leonard
Brian Loughman
Gael Mooney
Francis Paz
Claudette Paz
F. Peter Phillips
Nathaniel Posey
Michelle Posey
James Shearwood
Jason Steidl-Jack
Karen DeLuca Stephens
Timothy Willert
Joanna Williams
Leili Zhang