The Song of Moses

Calvary Church
277 Park Ave South, 10010
The VisionPerformersProgram
The Song of Moses is “a sacred composition, and ought to be preserved, as it is a tower of defence to church-music; and I am happy in acknowledging the pleasure I receive from those at Drury-Lane this season, and, in adding to that of the public, my small tribute of praise to the knowledge and genius of the composer of the Song of Moses. As the mantle of Elijah fell upon Elisha, so hath the ORATORIO descended from Handel, upon Smith and Stanley; and I trust there will still be found minds so far enlightened, as to discern its divine origin, and capable of transmitting it, uncorrupted to posterity.” –a correspondent in the Morning Post on March 21, 1778

The Israelites rejoice after the Red Sea closes over the Egyptian army in Linley Jr’s masterpiece. Based on Exodus Chapter 15, the libretto and music of The Song of Moses have undeservedly been forgotten by modern audiences. This rare performance, accompanied by informative program notes, revives this oratorio for New York audiences and raises money for the Calvary-St. George’s food pantry.

Sopranos: Melanie Russell*, Linda Lee Jones*, Lynn Norris, Eric Brenner
Altos: Carla Wesby, Hilary Baboukis, Alison Cheeseman, Catherine Hedberg
Tenors: John Tiranno*, Patrick Fennig, Nate Adams, Kannan Vasudevan
Basses: Dominic Inferrera*, Michael Conwill, Rod Gomez, Andrew Padgett

Violin I: Claire Smith Bermingham, Jeremy Rhizor, Jessica Parker
Violin II: Abigail Karr, Tatiana Daubek
Viola: Margret Hjaltested
Cello: Anneke Schaul-Yoder
Bass: Patricia Neely
Organ continuo: Tami Morse
Harpsichord continuo: Alan Fellows
Oboes: Sarah Davol, Jeffrey Reinhardt
Flutes: David Ross, Melanie Williams
Bassoons: Stephanie Corwin, Neil Chen
Horns: Aleks Ozolins, Claire Worsey
Trumpets: Max Morel, Christopher Delgardo
Kettledrums: Sae Hashimoto

*Aria soloists

Program Information
The Song of Moses (1777)
composer: Thomas Linley, Jr. (1756–1778)
librettist: John Hoadly (1711–1776)

Edition by Peter Overbeck and published through A-R Editions. Parts rented through the publisher.