Sacred Drama Journal

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About the Journal

The Sacred Drama Journal (ISSN 2690-3989 [print] and ISSN 2690-3997 [online]) is a publication of the Academy of Sacred Drama consisting of translations and scholarly articles related to sacred drama. Materials published in the Sacred Drama Journal range from translations of oratorio libretti and sacred dramatic poetry to scholarly articles concerning the cultural and historical context of sacred dramatic works and the philosophical, theological, cultural, and political themes of sacred drama. While the Academy of Sacred Drama has focused historically on sacred drama of the Baroque era, the Sacred Drama Journal welcomes translations of and articles about all forms of sacred drama.

The Sacred Drama Journal is published on a biannual basis, in February and September, and is available both electronically and in print. The Sacred Drama Journal is published in Croton Falls, New York (formerly White Plains, NY). Members of the Academy of Sacred Drama enjoy a free subscription to the Sacred Drama Journal. Institutions interested in purchasing a subscription to the Sacred Drama Journal (print, online, or bundled) may visit the Purchase page for institutional rates and information.

If you are interested in having your translation or article published in the Sacred Drama Journal, please see our For Authors page for information regarding submission guidelines.

If you have any questions about the Sacred Drama Journal, please contact the editor, Kate Bresee, at kate [at]

Jeremy Rhizor

Kate Bresee

Jude Ziliak
Managing Editor