
The Academy’s programming would not be possible without the vital support of our members and volunteers. Thousands of volunteer hours have enabled the creation of editions of oratorios and the overall functioning of the organization through behind-the-scenes administrative work. Volunteers help with hospitality by ushering at performances and helping with receptions. If you would like to become more involved in the revival of sacred drama, we invite you to read through our volunteer opportunities below and reach out to our volunteer coordinator through the form at the bottom of the page.


Volunteer ushers are many audience member’s first exposure to the Academy. If you would like to help welcome the audience to Academy performances, can help pass out programs, and would be willing help patrons get to their seats let us know!


Academy performances always make time for the social aspect of sacred dramas. Patrons have the opportunity to talk with one another over food and drink at our receptions. If you would like to contribute to the receptions by bringing food or drink or could assist with passing out food and drink at the venues please let us know!

Oratorio Editions

One of the Academy’s great contributions to the world of sacred drama is the creation of editions and translations of oratorios. If you have a basic musical background and would be willing to use MuseScore (a free and open-source program) to transcribe notes from manuscripts, join us in reviving sacred drama!

Artist Housing

Many of the musicians that come from out of town need a place to stay while rehearsing and performing for Academy projects. If you would be willing to host a musician and provide materials for breakfast during their stay, reach out to us!

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